Adult Bible Studies
Young Adult Bible Study is at 7pm on Thursdays in the Java Spot area of the Welcome Center. We started a new study on September 26, 2024 on the New Testament book Ephesians. We are going chapter by chapter! Come join as we study, discuss, pray and have fellowship. We also will have some yummy light snacks. Contact Hosanna Creasap (3304652429) for more info.
Contact Sue Dunlap (330)464-4853 for Women’s Ministry events happening in 2024. Women’s study will be part of SLU on Wednesday evenings (study starts at 6:45-8:15pm).They have 2 classes studying “Prayer” and “Galatians”.
Thursday mornings at 9:30-11:00 in the Conference Room another women’s group is studying “Revelation The Hope”. Call Marilyn Mokma with questions 330-465-2497. No child care available.
Rubies Group for Moms of all ages start their Fall study September 18, 2024 on “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shire. They will meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9:30am-11:00am in the church’s conference room. Play group for children upon request. Please contact Kathy Wigal if you have any questions or would like to join this study (330.264.5233).
Our Men’s group meets every Wednesday night all through the year. There is always a meal at 6:00pm and the study & fellowship follow till about 8:15pm.
The men will start their new study on The Book of Jams Wednesday August 28th at 6:45pm!
Have any questions? Call Pastor Brent Durham at 330-317-6030.
Spiritual Life University (SLU) is starting back Wednesday August 28, 2024. We have classes for Men, Women, Children and our Youth Group runs on Wednesday nights! Come and gather together for connection, growth in Christ and good food. All are welcome! Contact the church for more information at 330-264-5233. (Dinner starts at 6:00 and classes follow at 6:45-8:15pm)
Join us for breakfast 6:30 – 7:30 am Monday mornings for “Monday Morning Quarterbacks” at The Carpenter’s Cup, 116 W. Main St., Smithville and/or Friday mornings for “Freedom Friday Men’s Gathering” at He Brews Coffee, 104 S. Market St., Shreve. Discussions are open to include sports, politics, religion, and periodically we will discuss women: all within a Biblical context. A Q&A of Sunday morning’s message plus testimonies from each other and invited special guests from the community (coaches, athletes, politicians, and other professionals).